We recommend planning SOA enablement as part of the incremental change process, not as a separate process whose deliverables would replace current systems. 我们建议将SOA支持作为增量更改过程的一部分进行规划,而不要将其作为所属交付内容要替换现有系统的独立过程。
This allows you to benchmark your process execution, and to make incremental improvements with a manageable amount of change. 这样您就可以为您的过程执行设定基准的点,还可以用数量易控的变更进行不断的改进。
Enable a faster and easier way to meet business requirements by speeding up the upgrade cycle and enabling incremental rewrite, change and redeploy functions 通过加速更新周期和允许以增量方式重写、更改和重新部署功能来更快、更简单地满足业务需求
For most enterprises, the journey to SOA takes time and is accomplished by incremental change that provides both short-and long-term demonstrable value. 对于大多数企业,实现SOA的过程是漫长的,要通过能提供短期价值和长期价值的增量更改来完成。
An understanding at the organizational level to tactically execute and strategically plan with SOA adoption; SOA is an incremental and evolutionary change to IT and the organization, and benefits from an iterative implementation. 组织级别的理解,以对SOA采用进行战术执行和战略计划;SOA是对IT和组织的渐进和不断发展的改变,并从迭代实现中获益。
An iterative and incremental methodology, by contrast, facilitates continuous change, iterating toward a better solution. 与此相对比,迭代和增量式方法使得连续的变更更加容易,迭代会得出更好的解决方案。
Finally, there is SOA, a framework fully capable of accommodating incremental business technology change without causing much pain. 最后,有一个SOA,也就是一个能够支持日益加快变更的商业技术的框架,而不用产生一些阵疼。
Each stage delivers an incremental change in organizational capability. 在组织的能力内,每一个阶段代表着一个递增量变化。
LiquiBase ( see Resources) is a tool for applying incremental changes to a database so that the same change is applied into each target environment as part of the Scripted Deployment. LiquiBase(参见参考资料)是用于将增量更改应用到数据库的工具,可使同样的更改作为ScriptedDeployment的一部分应用到每一个目标环境。
If you come into work thinking that you will improve things by ten percent, you will only see incremental change. 如果你只想着改进10%,那你只会看到增量式的变化。
That is a fairly small incremental change. 这是一个很小的增量变更。
Non-invasive procedures appeal to both the famous and the less so because they're not radical but incremental, meaning there's less chance of a sudden, major change in one's looks. 非扩散性治疗手段不仅适合于著名人物而且适合于平民大众,因为她们并非激进的“一蹴而就”式而是“渐进式”,换句话说,人的脸部一般不会出现突然的,巨大的转变。
China's Electoral System Vicissitudes adopts induced change mode that is dominated by authority center and incremental change type. 第五部分对选举制度变迁的路径依靠进行了分析。
It ( institutional change) is incremental because large scale change would harm existing organizations and therefore is stoutly opposed by them. 制度变迁是渐进的是由于大规模的变化将损害现存组织并遭到他们的顽强抵抗。
A supply chain executive I spoke with recently pointedly summed the gist of the matter this way: another round of incremental change in supply could kill his company. 我最近和一位供应链管理人员谈话时,他尖锐地指出了其要旨:再来一轮供应链增量改革将导致企业破产。
Finance ministers from the G20 group of leading economies meeting in Paris this weekend expect incremental change rather than revolution. 本周末将汇聚巴黎的G20财长们期待的是渐进式改变,而不是一场革命。
They don't rely solely on benchmarking, keeping slightly ahead of competitors, or incremental change. 他们不会仅仅停留在平均水平、稍稍超前于竞争对手或渐进式的成长。
The Japanese philosophy of Kaizen, which means continuous improvement or incremental change, is all about constantly moving forward and never saying," This is good enough. " 日本哲学Kaizen,意味著持续的改善或增量的变化,其实质就是不断前进,并且永不说:“这已经足够好了。”
There is "a pattern of incremental rule change, but it's just window dressing, and we move forward to the next scandal". 证交所形成了“一种规则渐变模式,但这只是装装门面,丑闻还会爆发”。
Incremental changes/ updates-There is currently no way to do incremental updates, i.e.to change a certain part of the resource without sending a complete new version. 增量更新&现在没有办法做到增量更新,即改变资源的特定部分而不必发送整个新版本的数据。
And actuarial escape velocity is similar, in the sense that these incremental changes in medical science and hygiene can eventually create a huge change in how we live our lives. 死亡逃逸速度也是如此,医学和卫生领域内的渐进改变最终可以导致我们生活方式的巨大改变。
Characteristics: Saving power and durable; colorful effect which incremental change, let you in dream-like environment. 特点:省电、耐用;七色渐变效果,让人身处梦境般的效果。
The result is a path dependence pattern in which the institutional matrix and the mental models of the players interact to shape incremental change. 结果是制度矩阵中的路径依赖模型是和参与者的心智模型相互作用导致了渐进变化。
We believe the BRICS are an important force for incremental change and reform of current institutions towards more representative and equitable governance, capable of generating more inclusive global growth and fostering a stable, peaceful and prosperous world. 我们相信,金砖国家是对现行机制进行渐进式变革的重要力量,有助于实现更具代表性和更公平的全球治理、促进更具包容性的全球增长,建设和平、稳定、繁荣的世界。
According to the process changing information structure and decision structure, we can divide into radical change and incremental change. 按照信息结构和决策权结构调整的顺序,我们可以将组织的变革过程分为突变式和渐进式两种。
Generally, crop production potential is a clear spatial distribution of the north-south latitude Strip incremental change laws, the reality is in the land productivity of the natural attributes into the socio-economic factors leading to the input and use of land-based differences. 一般来说,作物生产潜力空间分布具有明显的南北纬度地带渐变规律,现实生产力则是在土地的自然属性融入社会经济因素而导致的土地投入和利用上的差异。
Methods: At first establish a rat model similar to athletic menstrual irregularities by incremental training, then observe the ultrastructural change of arcuate nucleus neuron in hypothalamus and gonadotroph in pituitary. 方法:在建立递增负荷训练的运动性闭经动物模型的基础上,对大鼠下丘脑弓状核神经元和垂体促性腺细胞超微结构进行观察。
Based on analysing and researching KKT conditions, found that the sample of violating the KKT in the incremental sample will change the initial support vector sample, and the initial not support vector sample maybe translate into support vector sample. 在深入分析和研究KKT条件的基础上,发现新增样本集中如果存在违反KKT条件的样本,必然会使原支持向量集发生变化,原非支持向量也有可能转化为支持向量。
Because it can directly show as the system parameters incremental change, how the system state is changed. 因其可直观的展现出在系统参数的渐进变化中,系统的运行状态是如何随之改变的。